Environmental Action Hub is pushing for the water arguments to come into consideration in our legal challenges of fracking.
You will find the evidence supporting all the points we make, including Scientist Yuri Gorby's evidence, on this page.
Some of our main points regarding the water pollution, as a overview:
1. Our subterrain is unpredictable, porous, water filled, everything migrate upwards due to the pressure. (Jill Heinerth Video, link below)
2. When drilling biocides are pumped down to protect the well casing from microlife making the concrete/cement and the steel disintegrate (Yuri Gorby).
3. This procedure (biocides) is also taking place in connection with exploratory drilling. A well costs around £30 million, so the investors will want to protect it from damage to the well casing.
4. Some of the biocides used in the fracking process are so toxic that one molecule in your body will kill you. These toxins makes organic life disintegrate.
3. In USA Biocides have been pumped down (re-injected) after a well is capped every 3-5 years to maintain the well-casing. (Yuri Gorby).
Read more: http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/global-warming/issues/fracking/environmental-impacts-water/

There are many other serious issues related to the water, like for example;
- Many other toxic fracking chemicals are used, also in the exploratory drilling process, when test fracking and, especially, when fracking.
- Shale deep down is radioactive and the water, as well as the gas, becomes radioactive in the fracking process.
- Water is removed from the eco-system (or should be).
- Toxic and radioactive frack-water is spilled or illegally disposed of in our vulnerable nature. Flooding is a threat.
- When fracking, massive amounts of water is involved.
- Many many more. Find inspiration from the links on this page.
Our main argument is, that we cannot even allow exploratory drilling as the toxic and radioactive substances, which would be partly pumped down under very very high pressure and partly released from the existing subterrrain, will migrate, upwards, and the way it's dispersed in the subterrain is unpredictable. Our 'bedrock' is not an impermeable rock. It's more like a water filled sponge, and keep in this context that very very high pressure is applied to the toxic and radioactive substances in the process.
We, as a democratic society, have not consciously made the consequential very serious (wrong) decision to undermine our own existence by fracking and sacrificing our fresh water. If such a plan was documented and communicated to the public, it would surely not pass. We, as a society, could not have a prosperous healthy agriculture (Californian produce grown with frack-water are toxic and there has been pushed for labeling of them), we could not brew beer (German breweries stopped fracking there), produce whiskey (Scotland wants fracking banned) or take a bath - and all the toxic and radioactive fracked water cannot be processed to become safe again, and would be (should be) removed from the eco-system. A very unsustainable strategy, and bottled water transported to the consumers?!! How would that be green? Or healthy? Or practically possible to run a farm or a business?
There has been no calculation of the cost of sacrificing aquifers (that are interconnected, so endless damage).
Are the biocides used by the fracking industry really so toxic that one molecule will kill? YES.
It's clear to me that we, in the anti-fracking movement, have to work harder to become succesful in having a constructive dialogue with every type of engineer and academic who 'debunk' our arguments when we have discussions with people we need to get involved. So far people, who are new to fracking, have been relying on what experts and the media tell them about fracking and they are very reluctant to listen to 'scaremongering' anti-frackers. However, we really need to make them listen to what we know about fracking, as the frackers haven't been stopped yet, despite all our efforts, but they are drilling NOW, and plan to do so in many areas in the UK and around the world.
We must engage everyone, we can, in order to stop fracking which would end up polluting our aquifers irreversibly, as well as cause an unstable subterrain, ruin infrastructure and the land, make people sick, cause property damage and great financial problems and insurance problems. Fracking causes serious problems for farmers, brewers, distillers and other food and drink industries, tourism and wildlife, as well as for local residents.
How could anti-frackers better convince people, who are new to fracking, that there is more to know about fracking than what academics and industry specialists tell them? Perhaps we could take a step back from the discussion and start with making it clear to everyone that you cannot necessarily operate on a brain, if you know how to fix a broken leg, and you do not necessarily know everything about the bed-rock, if you are a geologist, engineer, biologist or work at the water company.
Apparently, concerned scientists and qualified anti-frackers, who research fracking and the bed-rock in depth, end up knowing a lot more about the consequenses of fracking than the specialists who claim the technology is safe. It takes a comprehensive (expensive) approach and a process in which the researchers hold together both the scientific evidence (over 400 reports), the logic, drawn from what we know about nature, physics, chemistry and biology, and the abundance of evidence of damage to the land, the water, live stock and humans, to be able to draw a conclusion about the safely of fracking. Hundreds of scientists have done that, and still the fracking industry is heavily supported and fracking projects are fast-tracked and pushed through by a government which is overruling objections and decisions of local governments in, for example, Lancashire. The fracking industry and the UK government refuse to admit that they cannot contradict the evidence that fracking is unsafe and leaves wastelands behind. Anti-frackers are not lobbyists, they are seeking do prevent serious damage to our land and livelihood.
Discussing fracking is difficult because of the size and complexity of the factors which influence the subterrain and because it is as good as completely unknown, despite what the industry claims to know about it. When it comes to the test, all fly overs, scans and other tests are only guidelines at best and noone knows for real what material compositions exist 10 meters away from a test drill. Like studying the human body, studying our bed-rock requires subject divison and categorization, team-work and a comprehensive oversight.
Here is my explanation of the science behind why biocides are so toxic that one molecule can kill:
Some biocides are grown directly on micro-organisms, some are produced artificially. They can be a material (often liquid) with a mix of molecyles and living cells, a living biocide. A passive biocide consist of only molecules.
The type of lab-manufactured biocides, used in fracking, can never be compared with pesticides. They are immeasurably more toxic than the pesticides our farmers are permitted to spray in our fields. One drop of a biocide in a stream will kill all life in the proximity and seriously pollute the stream, and the fish will die as they are killed on the molecular level in the same way, as if a human body suddenly had all white blood cells removed. One molecyle from a biocide, of the type used by the fracking industry, will damage and end up killing most living organism, as the biocide molecule cause changes in a organism's cells, in a way similar to, but not comparative with, the way that chemo-treatment operates in cancer cells. This is partly why scientist have concluded that biocides cause cancer.
Biocides used in the fracking process are made to be extremely toxic in order to kill the micro-organisms who deteriorate the well-casing made of concrete and hot galvanised steel, and yet they fail to do so. The microbes, who live in the deep subterrrain composite of rocks and metals under enormous pressure and high temperatures, are very hard to kill and so far the frackers' biocides have only managed to paralyse them temporarily. The microbes return from their paralysis after a while and this is why fresh biocides have been pumped down into the fracking wells on a regular basis.
Biocides used in fracking operations to kill the micro-organisms in the bed-rock are so toxic there is no lower limit, a drop can kill or cause cancer and the precautions on the product labels also show this; gloves, masks and protective clothing.
Research from Danish engineer/researcher Knud Kristensen
Professor Yuri Gorby
The Microbial Complications of Fracking
Geomicrobiology Expert Yuri Gorby Joins Rensselaer as Blitman Professor of Engineering
Video: Interview with Yuri Gorby on the potential of long term impact from anaerobic sulfur reducing bacteria as they relate to fracking and geobiology. Taken at a area of ground water contamination. To see the interview with the owner of the property describing issues.
Video - long version
Quotes from Anthony R Ingraffea and Mike Wills:
“Frack fluid migrate up, among other things through faults and old wells.
By drilling, casing, cementing, you pollute groundwater with frack fluid and methane emissions.
To casket (case?) a hole is the problem. There is large pressure and 10.000 holes (?) and the gas escapes. Hardened cement paste is used, it's not a good material, not flexible, not impermeable, it ages badly, and certainty a significant percentage of all gas wells are leaking and will leak. This will never be solved. Since 2010 5-10% of gas wells are leaking in Pennsylvania, there are 1,000 wells leaking into drinking water in Pennsylvania, 100 families have lost access to water.” (Anthony R Ingraffea)
I've worked on more well sites and drilling sites than I care to mention. It's a very inexact science. There is no 100% sure way to protect a water table sitting above a well. Once the casing is in it’s in. It’s not like you can remove it and change it every 10 years! Forget visual impacts on the environment - as unpleasant as that is - it’s water table contamination that is the major issue and there is no 100% safe protection method. (Mark Wills)
Beyond Fracking: Experts Challenge Safety of Exploratory Wells, Vertical Drilling
Water is unsafe even before fracking begins
And we repeat:
Exploratory drilling can involve test fracking and this is not safe (from BBC radio debate about fracking in UK) The oil companies do not 3D map the entire area and identify all fissures through which the toxic and radioactive frack fluids can migrate. 500m is no distance geologically, many layers in the bedrock are brittle, unpredictable and vulnerable. The well hole will not stay intact forever, when many 100 wells are drilled it's a great problem as the pollution from the leaking wells will migrate across the area. There is no robust regulation body in place. Experts say you can make fracking safer, but not safe. We have had many examples where the oil companies have been caught lying. If it's all so good for us, why can't they be honest? We have not seen any examples of "best practise" in these initial stages.
Video: Jill Heinerth: The mysterious world of underwater caves Cave diver Jill Heinerth explores the hidden underground waterways coursing through our planet. Working with biologists, climatologists and archaeologists, Heinerth unravels the mysteries of the life-forms that inhabit some of the earth's most remote places and helps researchers unlock the history of climate change. In this short talk, take a dive below the waves and explore the wonders of inner space.
Articles on water pollution from fracking
Farmers condemn go-ahead for fracking in Lancashire
Leith Hill drilling poses 'risk to water supply', claims water firm
Easy, inexpensive ways to test water for contaminants
Fracking & well casing failure
Water is unsafe even before fracking begins
Fracking's greatest risk is water contamination: leaked report
Gas patch scientists explain how hydraulic fracturing can permanently contaminate public water supplies
Peter Rolinson explains the risks of water pollution from fracking
WATCH: Nebraska farmer silences oil and gas committee with invitation to drink water tainted by fracking
Fracking Waste: Too Toxic, Even For A Hazardous Waste Site
Water Use Rises as Fracking Expands
Fracking is depleting water supplies in America's driest areas, report shows
Fracking is depleting water supplies in America's driest areas, report shows
A Texan tragedy: ample oil, no water
Fossil Fuel Giants Guzzling World's Water as Poor Go Thirsty: UN
Insurance shock for Wells home owners
Water companies' fracking warning
Water firms raise fears over shale gas fracking
German Beer Brewers Win Fracking Protection for Spring
Stop Drinking Bottled Water
Fracking sites might be leakier than we thought
UK Government backtracks on fracking safeguards for drinking water and protected areas
Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater
The Feds Just Got Sued for Letting Nestle Bottle Water in California's Drought Country
Oil and Water Don't Mix: California Must Ban Fracking
Hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) was just found in 75% of drinking water... the mass chemical suicide of America is under way
EPA Missed Thousands of Water Complaints After Telling Public Fracking is Safe
Its Own Scientists Question EPA Claim Fracking Is Safe for Drinking Water
EPA Science Advisors Balk at Fracking Study
Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes
Long-Awaited EPA Study Says Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water
EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year
Canadians Scientists Discover That Old Gas Wells Leak. A Lot. Forfrackingever.
Cancer-causing pollutant made famous by Erin Brockovich found in NE Ohio drinking water
Facing the challenge of toxic wastewater produced by oil and gas companies
4 States Struggling to Manage Radioactive Fracking Waste
Food & Water Watch Welcomes Scientist Robert Howarth to its Board
UK fracking firm plans to dump wastewater in the sea
CA Officials Want To Allow Oil Industry To Dump Toxic Waste Into Aquifers, Exempt Them From Federal Protection
Farmer speaks out against pollution after local authority gives go-ahead for fracking
Water, Brought to You by the Fossil Fuel Industry
Duke Study: Rivers Contaminated With Radium and Lead From Thousands of Fracking Wastewater Spills
Before Fracking Begins, Air and Water Tests Still a Rare Precaution
Video: People Before Profit - Water Charges are politically dead.
Nestlé Just Gained Control Over This Town's Water for the Next 45 Years
UK defeats European bid for fracking regulations
'Orphan' oil wells warning for fracking
Wrecking the Earth: Fracking has grave radiation risks few talk about
Video: Christopher Busby is an expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation.
He qualified in Chemical Physics at the Universities of London and Kent, and worked on the molecular physical chemistry of living cells for the Wellcome Foundation. Water engineer speaks of fracking risks in East Yorkshire
Professor Busby is the Scientific
Secretary of the European WATER: Fracking report hangs on a single word. Gas producers are not responsible for proving their product will destroy drinking water supplies. Instead, they hope by the time harm to the water is demonstrated, profits will have been harvested and the companies will have moved on to other endeavors, leaving taxpayers to clean up the mess — and buy clean water from commercial companies trucking and piping it from where it still exists.
Committee on Radiation Risk based in Brussels and has edited many of its publications since its founding in 1998. He has held a number of honorary University positions, including Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Health of the University of Ulster. Busby currently lives in Riga, Latvia. chrisbusbyexposed.org - greenaudit.org - llrc.org
Significant contamination at 3,900 fracking spill sites in North Dakota alone
Texas Floods Sending Toxic Fossil Fuel Runoff into Public Waters
Organic farms near drilling activity in the U.S. and Ohio
Hot Sludge: Problems With Recycling Frack Waste
This Farmer Asked Oil And Gas Commissioners To Drink Fracking Water
Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades
Video: Ray Kemble talking to the Watershed Sentinel about Fracking.
Thousands of people across the Westcountry could be drinking water that is radioactive
State confirms low-level nuclear waste was dumped at Estill landfill
Estill County leaders to fight 'tooth and toenail' over radioactive waste in landfill
REPORT - Shale Gas and Water 2016
An independent review of shale gas extraction in the UK and the implications for the water environment
Citizens Fighting For the Drinking Water of Northern Ireland's Capital
Ontario First Nation declares state of emergency after radioactive particles found in local water source
Video: Francis Egan (Cuadrilla fracking firm) vs Jessica Ernst Not 1 case of water contamination from fracking
Fracking Creates Massive Radioactive Waste Problem
Yet Another Study Links Fracking And Water Contamination
Fracking waste water
New study confirms: Fracking wastewater is cancer-causing
UK failing to learn U.S. lessons on fracking waste water
Fracking Fluid Contains A Stew Of Known Toxic Chemicals -- And That May Not Be The Worst Of It
Toxins found in fracking fluids and wastewater, study shows
A fifth of 14th round fracking blocks have significant flood risk
Video: When fracking meets flooding - is Colorado headed for disaster?
After the Deluge
Biff Vernon: As I discussed in my piece, Turned Out Wet (Again), we need a new approach to flood management.
Colorado flooding may unleash fracking fluids
Flooding sweeps oil, chemicals into rivers
Growing food with toxic water
California Drinking Water: Not Just Vanishing, But Also Widely Contaminated
Fracking water being used to irrigate crops
California Farmers Irrigate Crops With Chevron's Oil Wastewater in Drought-Stricken Central Valley
35K Californians Boycotting Produce Grown With Oil Wastewater
These Popular Fruit and Veggie Brands May be Grown With Oil Wastewater
California Water Board to Investigate Use of Oilfield Wastewater to Irrigate Crops
Expert warns of fracking risk to water supplies and food chain
Produce Irrigated by Fracking Waste Water May Soon Be Labeled in California
Cuadrilla and dumped radioactive fracking water.
IAEA Reaches Milestone in the Disposal of Radioactive Sources
Dangerous levels of radioactivity found at fracking waste site in Pennsylvania
Plutonium levels near Devonport spark call for more testing
How much depleted uranium (DU) have they used?
Video: Fracking radioactive water dumped in Manchester Ship Canal.
Fracking Creates Massive Radioactive Waste Problem
Radioactivity Found in Pennsylvania Creek, Illegal Fracking Waste Dumping Suspected
Radiation found in Greene County stream near water supply
How Fracking Is Exposing People to Radioactive Waste
Radioactive Waste Booms With Fracking as New Rules Mulled
North Dakota Finds Itself Unprepared To Handle The Radioactive Burden Of Its Fracking Boom
Nuclear waste
Hardest sell: Nuclear waste needs good home
Law changed so nuclear waste dumps can be forced on local communities
Can't We Just Throw Our Nuclear Waste Down A Deep Hole?
Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Engineering Challenges, London
Fracking Could Dispose of Nuclear Waste, Scientist Says
Government has asked us to undertake a national geological screening exercise to support the implementation of its policy for geological disposal of higher activity radioactive waste.
Shock: Fracking Used To Inject Nuclear Waste Underground For Decades
Britain leads race to make nuclear waste safe for 100,000 years
Caudrilla withdraws applications to frack in Lancashire after encountering problems with radioactive waste disposal
Fracking chemicals
Secrecy over fracking chemicals clouds environmental risks, advocates say
Halliburton refuses to disclose fracking chemicals
Scientists shocked to discover the true toxicity of fracking fluids; it's worse than we've been told
Water contamination consequenses
Public health emergency declared in Flint, Michigan, due to contaminated water
Flint, Michigan: 100,000 left with water too poisonous to drink or even cook with
How Michigan literally poisoned an entire city to save a few bucks
Flint brothers trek 2 miles every day for water
In Flint, Mich., there's so much lead in children's blood that a state of emergency is declared
Lancashire water bug alert remains at 50,000 homes
John Wilson MSP Questions Scottish Government on their Reactions to Water Contamination in North Lanarkshire
Salford homes' water supply cut off or discoloured
Memo to many in W. Va.: Don't drink the water
(photo) Nina Berman: Having no clean well water, Jodie Simons and Jason Lamphere give their horses bottled water to drink. They claim their water was contaminated by nearby gas-drilling activities causing their daughter to be sick and their animals to die. Monroeton, Bradford County, 2011.
Fracking and Drinking Water Map: This Map Shows Where You Shouldn't Drink Tap Water in the USA
Gas companies penalized nearly $400K after methane seeps into home wells
What a pipeline breach looks like
Warning over PARASITE found in drinking water to last through the weekend
Family Burned By Explosion Of Water Well Contaminated by Fracking
More water articles
Shallow Fracking Wells May Threaten Aquifers
Secret emails reveal the risk to water in Sussex from fracking was known by officials
Are Fracking Wastewater Wells Poisoning the Ground beneath Our Feet?
Scientific American
Video: ROBERT REDFORD: Fracking Puts Our Drinking Water at Risk
Dioxin found in east Harris County water wells
4 states confirm water pollution from drilling
Government Criminalizing Rainwater Collection in All Out War on Self Sufficiency
New map of Earth's groundwater to help estimate when it may run out
Ben Howlett keen to ensure Bath's natural spa water is safeguarded from fracking
Government backtracks on fracking safeguards for drinking water and protected areas
SNP accused of privatising £360m water contract
Don't Frack South Africa's Water Factory!
State shuts 33 wells injecting oil wastewater into aquifers
Providing safe drinking water on reserves is simple. Just do it
Surface spills near fracking sites implicated in water contamination
Chemometric Study of the Ex Situ Underground Coal Gasification Wastewater Experimental Data
Fracking operator faces record $8.9M fine for alleged water contamination
US Town May Become the Nation's First to Ban Nestle From Stealing Their Water
Fracking wastewater that is treated for drinking produces potentially harmful compounds
Cuadrilla banks on low return of flowback fluid for Lancs wells
Fracking dilemma: Fresh water or cheap gas? The latter 'is not likely to happen'
Video: The Secret Life of Water ~ Masaru Emoto
Video: Nestle CEO declares water "food that should be privatized, and not a human right"
Toxic waste water dumped in streets and rivers
Fracking leads to 36-hour fluid spill at neighboring well
Cracks in the Facade, 25 Years Ago, EPA Linked “Fracking†to Water Contamination
Fracking Water: It's Just So Hard to Clean
AP Exclusive: Fracking Boom Responsible for 175 Million Gallons of Toxic Wastewater Spilled Since 2009
Chevron Tries to Give us Bottled Water as an offering
Massive Right to Water Protest in Dublin as Political Policing of Activists Continues
Pumping CO2 into frack wells could prevent water contamination
Our public water future: The global experience with remunicipalisation
Scientists Discover Fracking Chemicals In Pennsylvania Drinking Water
The Pope says No to Fracking and that "Water is worth more than gold"
Analysis Finds Offshore Fracking Industry Pumping Toxic Wastewater Into Coastal Waters
Pennsylvania Fracking Study Shows Chemicals Did Not Contaminate Water
Wastewater Case Raises the Concept of Underground Trespassing
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General found EPA Region 6 was justified in legally intervening to protect Parker County
Fracking contamination more common than US states report, says new review
Water Pollution From Drilling Confirmed In At Least 4 States, Casting Doubt On Safety Of Boom
Fracking produces annual toxic waste water enough to flood Washington DC
Leaking well, company draw state's notice
EPA: California Offshore Frackers Must Disclose Chemicals Dumped Into Ocean
Republican Deregulation Culture to Blame For Water Poisoning West Virginia Chemical Spill
Fracking fears over waste water could delay plans
Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of drinking water contamination
This is the fracking truth
MP demands answers on why waste water from fracking was dumped into the Manchester Ship Canal
Regulation Lax as Gas Wells Tainted Water Hits Rivers
40ft-deep hole drains Stockport park lake of water
Oil well safety warning for fracking
Fracking risk to drinking water greater in Britain than United States, warns expert
BGS maps help understand relationship between groundwater and fracking.
UK's complex geology will pose fracking challenges, developers warned
Study maps fracking methane risk to drinking water
Water being auctioned for millions of dollars in California as drought reaches extremes
Drilling for water has become more important than drilling for oil, as water banks are drained at an alarming rate.
Nestle's water privatization push
Hundreds of Gallons of Hydraulic Fluid Spills Into Ohio River Outside New Martinsville
Huge ND Wastewater Spill Prompts Calls For Fracking Regs
Companies proclaim water the next oil in a rush to turn resources into profit
Oil companies fracking into drinking water sources, new research shows
Water stress may curtail fracking, says WRI
Water shortage could hit China's fracking plans
Shale Gas: How Often Do Fracked Wells Leak?
Water shortages may make fracking impractical, industry says
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